Prediction Alarm

Use Prediction Alarm to Build Computer Vision Pipelines and Applications

Workflows allows you to integrate Prediction Alarm with models, logic, and applications.
16,000+ organizations build with Roboflow

Connect Prediction Alarm to other blocks to build a custom workflow

The `PredictionAlarmBlock` is a specialized workflow block designed to monitor real-time data and trigger alerts based on specific conditions related to prediction counts. This block is crucial in scenarios where immediate response is required once certain patterns or frequencies in prediction data are observed.

Prediction Alarm

Monitor and trigger an alarm if the count of specified prediction classes within a defined timeframe exceeds a set threshold.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Explore Popular Combinations Using Prediction Alarm

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How to Build a Workflow

Learn how to use a low-code open source platform to simplify building and deploying vision AI applications.
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Choose a Block

Choose from 40+ pre-built blocks that let you use custom models, open source models, LLM APIs, pre-built logic, and external applications. Blocks can be models from OpenAI or Meta AI, applications like Google Sheets or Pager Duty, and logic like filtering or cropping.
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Connect Blocks

Each block can receive inputs, execute code, and send outputs to the next block in your Workflow. You can use the drag-and-drop UI to configure connections and see the JSON definitions of what’s happening behind the scenes.
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Deploy Workflows

You’ll receive an output of the final result from your Workflow and the format you want it delivered in, like JSON. Once your Workflow produces sufficient results, you can use the Workflow as a hosted API endpoint or self-host in your own cloud, on-prem, or at the edge.

Deploy Workflows at Scale

Roboflow powers millions of daily inferences for the world’s largest enterprises on-device and in the cloud
Deploy your Workflows directly on fully managed infrastructure through an infinitely-scalable API endpoint for high volume workloads
Run Workflows on-device, internet connection optional, without the headache of environment management, dependencies, and managing CUDA versions.
Isolate dependencies in your software by using the Python SDK or HTTP API to operate and maintain your Workflows separate from other logic within your codebase
Supported devices include ARM CPU, x86 CPU, NVIDIA GPU, and NVIDIA Jetson

Customize Your Pipeline

Connect models from OpenAI or Meta AI, applications like Slack or Pager Duty, and logic like filtering or cropping.
View All Blocks