Use YOLOv5 to Build Computer Vision Pipelines and Applications

Workflows allows you to integrate YOLOv5 with models, logic, and applications.

Connect YOLOv5 to other blocks to build a custom workflow

Use YOLOv5 in the Roboflow Object Detection Model Roboflow Workflows block.


YOLOv5 is a type of Roboflow Object Detection Model.

Build a Custom Vision AI Application

Connect pre-trained models, open source models, LLM APIs, advanced logic, and external applications. Deploy as an API endpoint, on-prem, or at the edge.
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Explore Popular Combinations Using YOLOv5

YOLOv5 to Active Learning Data Collector

Build a computer vision workflow that connects YOLOv5 to Active Learning Data Collector.


Build a computer vision workflow that connects YOLOv5 to SMS.

YOLOv5 to S3 Upload

Build a computer vision workflow that connects YOLOv5 to S3 Upload.

YOLOv5 to Kafka Publish

Build a computer vision workflow that connects YOLOv5 to Kafka Publish.

YOLOv5 to CSV Sink

Build a computer vision workflow that connects YOLOv5 to CSV Sink.

YOLOv5 to Azure Sink

Build a computer vision workflow that connects YOLOv5 to Azure Sink.

Customize Your Pipeline

Connect models from OpenAI or Meta AI, applications like Slack or Pager Duty, and logic like filtering or cropping.
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